ConnectiCon XXI Gaming

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4:30 pm to 7:00 pm in Marriott Ballroom A/B - Round Table 01

Unpublished / Prototypes :: Social

Rated G :: Be one of the first people to play Lunchroom Games' AUTH. Embark on a high-stakes journey into the cut-throat world of cyber threat actors with AUTH, the card game where ...view more


2:00 pm to 4:30 pm in Marriott Ballroom A/B - Round Table 01

Unpublished / Prototypes :: Social

Rated G :: Be one of the first people to play Lunchroom Games' AUTH. Embark on a high-stakes journey into the cut-throat world of cyber threat actors with AUTH, the card game where ...view more


2:00 pm to 4:30 pm in Marriott Ballroom A/B - Round Table 01

Unpublished / Prototypes :: Social

Rated G :: Be one of the first people to play Lunchroom Games' AUTH. Embark on a high-stakes journey into the cut-throat world of cyber threat actors with AUTH, the card game where ...view more