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Planet Comicon Kansas City 2025 Celebrity List

Akerman, Malin #3635

Ann-Margret #3401

Bartlett, Chris #3431

Beaver, Jim #3512

Belden, Harry #3528

Berkley, Elizabeth #3437

Bluth, Don #3403

Britt, Melendy #3405

Bunn, Cullen #1439

Burchett, Rick #3744

Cardoni, Ian #3526

Casey Renee Cosplay #C73

Chen, Ming #3534

Colter, Mike #3425

Conner, Amanda #126/128

D'Onofrio, Vincent #3615

Daly, Tim #3409

Diana the Great #C107

Dilmore, Kevin #1642

Duff Cosplay #105

Fahnestock, Todd #923

Faith of Flowers Cosplay #P17

Fancy Fossa Fursuits #P34

Floral Moon Cosplay #C74

Folxy Cosplay #C108

Frankly Built Cosplay #C54

Glasser, Phillip #3202

Grammer, Spencer #3524

Green, Brian Austin #3435

Grier, Pam #3532

Gugino, Carla #3639

Haun, Jeremy #3734

Herles, Kathleen #3202

Hester, Phil #3728

Hoffman, Calen #C89

Hoku Props #C106

Holt, Bruce Forged in Foam #P30

James, Kenny #3202

Johnson, Amy Jo #3413

Kanan, Sean #3629

Kayley J Cosplay #C72

Kelly, Samantha #3202

Kingston, Alex #3613

Krecic, Leeanne #3749

Lady Luna Fox Cosplay #C79/C80

Levens, Megan #3732

Lillard, Matthew #3641

Lloyd, Christopher #3500

Luna Flare

Mahfood, Jim #3722

Mahnke, Doug #138/140

Mandvi, Aasif #3427

Marquand, Ross #3631

McLean, AJ #3439

Mellon, Kevin #3733

Metcalf-Lindenberger, Dorothy #3411

Mills, Joey

Moore, Tony #3704

Moy, Jeff #640

Oppenheimer, Alan #3407

Palmiotti, Jimmy #124

Panosian, Dan #122

Parks, Ande #3727

Payne, Tom #3633

Platt, Stephen #3713

Rhys-Davies, John #3536

Ricci, Christina #3504

Ross, Daniel #3202

Roth, JP #116

Sackhoff, Katee #3514

Seeley, Tim #3703

Serkis, Andy #3625

SKS Props Steven K Smith #C91

Smith, K Lynn #842

Speight jr, Richard #3510

Spelling, Tori #3433

Strangecat Cosplay #C81

Tate, Catherine #3611

Tennant, David #3601

Ulrich, Skeet #3540

Ward, Dayton #1643

Ward, Steven John #3530

Wenham, David #3508

West, Bob #3202

Wilson, Zack

Erin Carpenter

Jeff Sisson

Rod Zirkle

Panel programming is open to Planet Comicon attendees at no additional charge on a first come, first served basis. Any exceptions will be clearly noted below. For example, selected workshop events may require an additional ticket. We cannot guarantee that attendees will be able to attend a particular panel. For the safety of our attendees, we reserve the right to limit admission to any event based on the seating capacity available. Planet Comicon does not clear the seating in rooms between panel events. A limited number of FastPass admissions are available that guarantee access to premium seating for celebrity events. FastPass admissions are available only through advance orders and cannot be purchased at the door. All events, guests, and schedules are subject to change; announcements on the day of the event take precedence over information presented elsewhere. Event Locations Events are located in areas of the Bartle Hall exhibit area and in meeting rooms in the adjoining Kansas City Convention Center