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Chainsaw Human RPG

Roleplaying Game ::

Rated G :: It is a very low prep game based on Lasers and Feelings. Character generation takes about 2 mins. Most rolls are based on your level of preparation or lack there of and if you are using Chainsaw (being brutal, bloody, aggressive) or Human (being subtle, manipulative, controlled). Then you roll a pool of 1 to 3 die six vs your number. The game runs super quick and the rules don't get in the way. However this is set in the Chainsaw man anime setting, so there could be things some people might have problems dealing with like violence, war, zombies, blood, spiders, devils, undead... if you have seen the anime all that stuff.

Game Experience Level
Trigger warnings: This game is pretty much all about violence and fighting Devils. Devils tend to manifest fears and evil and there are going to be lots of blood and corpses. Not for little kids or people that do not enjoy the manga or anime of Chainsaw man.

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Robert Bersch

Locations and Times

Saturday July 20 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm Marriott Capital Room 1/2 :: RPG Table 10

Registration Information

No Registration Required (walk up)
Free Pre-Registration
Pre-registered get seats ahead of walk ins. If I don't have any players 15mins after game start time I'll probably find something else to do, so try to be on time!

Available Registration Slots: 6

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