Rated G :: Swing on by to try your hand at painting! Whether you're an experienced painter with hundreds of models on your shelf, or brand new and just wanting to try your hand, feel free to grab a seat and give it a go! Paints and miniatures will be provided by The Adventure Begins, though supplies are limited and will be first-come, first-served. We'd love to see what everyone can come up with, so join us and share some laughs as we work on a variety of fantasy themed models.
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Joshua Watrous
Saturday May 25 10:00 am to 4:00 pm | 362E :: Gaming Tables |
Smash Up, designed by Paul Peterson, is the totally righteous Shufflebuilding game from Alderac...
1 Session(s)
Blitz is a 40-card, constructed format Trading Card Game that features a shallow learning curve,...
1 Session(s)
A Pathfinder Bounty designed for 1st-level characters.
On a recent trip across the trade routes...
1 Session(s)