Panel - The Future of Physical Games: Preserving Gaming Culture in High-Quality Packages

Panel Room B

Sunday June 9, 2024 - 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm

At the SoCal Retro Gaming Expo, attendees have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into physical video game preservation from author and licensed physical publisher Jeffrey Wittenhagen, as well as a few other surprise industry members attending the convention. As the founder of Premium Edition Games, Wittenhagen brings a unique perspective to the discussion, focusing on the importance of high-quality packaging and captivating design in preserving the legacy of video games. Drawing from his experience in the industry, he shares strategies for creating collector-worthy editions that not only pay homage to classic games but also contribute to the overall preservation of gaming culture. Through engaging anecdotes and practical tips, Wittenhagen highlights the appreciation for the significance of physical media in safeguarding gaming history for future generations


