Open Mic Readings (Literary)

Room 350DE

Saturday May 25, 2024 - 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm

This is not your typical open mic. Yes, authors will be reading sections of their novels. And you, the audience, will act out the scene being read. That’s right! You get to play your favorite characters and explore what it’s like to live in fantastical realms. We have a special new program where volunteers from the audience get to play characters in a scene while the author reads it. No, you don’t get to see the scene beforehand. That’s the fun part! Some authors will merely read but some will read as the audience performs. Then, we all have a good time and maybe discover our new favorite stories. Just want to watch, no worries. Come to this panel to volunteer for roles, meet new favorite authors, and win prizes for participating.

