Anime DJs Presents: Remix Revolution

Grand Ballroom A (Entertainment Room)

Sunday May 26, 2024 - 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm

Embark on a captivating journey into the dynamic fusion of Disc Jockeying (DJing) within anime, comic and hip-hop culture in our performance panel. We'll explore the role of DJing in anime and cartoon intro songs and theme songs, seamlessly integrating it with various facets of hip-hop. Our live sessions and engaging demonstrations will unravel the art of DJing. We'll showcase tracks from notable artists like Back-on, Volcanoids, and Nujabes, immersing participants in the crossroads of anime and comic inspired music and hip-hop beats. Join us at Comicpalooza for an enriching celebration of these intertwined cultures.

