Hello! Welcome to the Game submission page for PopCon Indianapolis. This submission page is for anyone that is wanting table space to host a game. Ideally you should provide a copy of the game as our game library may or may not have the game you are wanting to play. Our goal is to provide everyone with the space they want to play all the games they want, but depending on the number of submissions we may not be able to make that happen. Once submissions have closed we will begin finalizing game assignments, locations, and times. Emails will be sent out as the submissions are approved.
This page will have instructions/clarifications for the various pages of the submission process. If at any time you don't know what to enter you can leave it blank and continue on or return to it later. Below this box is the text box to begin your submission, simply enter the name of the game you would like to play and hit "Begin Submission".
Step 1, on this page there are a handful of boxes to enter info about your game, if there is anything you are not sure about or don't think apply to your name feel free to leave them blank. The most important parts are the game type and a brief description of the game. For example if I was to be hosting a Clank game the "Game Title" would say Clank, "Game Type" would be board game and in description I would put something along the lines of, "Clank is a deck-building dungeon exploring game where the players are competing against each other for the best loot and trying to escape without dying in the dungeon" If you are filling out this form hopefully you plan on being the game master. If not enter the name and email of the game master.
Step 2, Select the size of table/space that you want. If you only need half of a rectangle table enter that in the other game needs. For registration options, do not select any of the paid options as we are only allowing people to host free events, except for official tournaments. However you are able to click any of the other options. For available seats, put how many additional people will be able to join your event.
Step 3, Game duration select one of the game durations listed. This is not how long playing the game will take, but how long you would like to have the table space. For example if you have a game that takes 20 minutes to play, but you want to be able to play it 4 or 5 times, put at least 120 minutes. Next on the calendar highlight the times you would like to be put on the schedule to play. Keep in mind that PopCon is June 16-18, so you will not be able to put anything on the schedule other than those days. If you don't have a specific time you want to play, for example anytime after 7pm, feel free to highlight the entire night and we will fit you in where the schedule allows during that time frame. If you would like to have your event on multiple days you can highlight multiple days whenever works for you.
Step 4, if you have any other requests or info you would like to include enter here and hit submit, you can also review your submission prior to hitting the submit button.
*We will do our best to accommodate the space and time requests for all submissions, if we are forced to make any changes we will reach out in email to confirm that the changes are acceptable*
**Add [email protected] to your email contacts to avoid having any emails sent put in your spam folders**
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